Saturday, August 22, 2009

Concept Art

Hello readers,

It has recently come to my attention that people seem to be interested in seeing some so called concept art...frankly I find the notion somewhat absurd, as if I was ever just a 'concept'. Never the less here is some of Ash's original concept art for myself and the other supporting characters of Nemesis.

Can you believe that Justin and Ash didn't even know what I looked like? Well I can assure you that soon the whole world will know what Professor Nemesis looks like...!

Until next time.

Sincerely yours,

Aloysius B. Brown

Saturday, August 15, 2009

First Post

So this is my first blog post, just a short one to let you know that as I write this Justin and Ash are feverishly working to finish documenting my nefarious adventures in the comic series Nemesis coming soon from Arcana comics.

Here is a short preview:

Check back here regularly for updates on the release and witness as this blog becomes a small step towards my plan for World (Wide Web) domination.

Yours sincerly,

Aloysius B. Brown